Field Trip Survey for AUSD Parents and Caregivers Please take a few moments to help our Field Trip Task Force collect feedback on overnight/outdoor field trips.

Please take a few moments to help our Field Trip Task Force collect feedback on overnight/outdoor field trips.

Dear Parents,

 For many years in Albany, students in 4th grade have been taken on school-sponsored, "overnight/outdoor education" field trips. Recently, there has been some controversy about whether or not these field trips should continue to be offered for all students in all schools in Albany USD. 

 In response to the controversy, the AUSD Board of Education called for a Field Trip Task Force to be convened and for the task force to gather input from parents and teachers.  The Albany Field Trip Task Force is comprised of parents, teachers, administrators, students, and School Board Trustees.  

 The Task Force knows that, for some people, this is a somewhat controversial issue. In good faith, we are gathering information with the purpose of providing the Albany Unified School Board of Education with your feedback about overnight/outdoor education field trips.  

 For the sake of clarity, we are focused on the outdoor/overnight education field trips that have most often occurred at the 4th grade level.  "Overnight/Outdoor" field trips are defined as trips where students are spending most of the day outside exploring various aspects of nature and the environment and then spending one or more nights camping together in tents or cabins.

 All responses are anonymous and will be analyzed by the task force members.  The raw data, along with a summary by the task force, will be presented to the Board of Education during a regularly scheduled meeting open to the public.

 Thank you taking this survey.  We respect all perspectives and we greatly appreciate as much feedback from as many parents as possible.  The survey will be open from today through March 4th, 2016.

Click on one the following links to take the survey:


ENGLISH Parent Survey: Overnight Outdoor Education Field Trips


SPANISH Parent Survey: Overnight Outdoor Education Field Trips


CHINESE Parent Survey: Overnight Outdoor Education Field Trips